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Indus valley civilisation

 For hindi version

For pubG game

Indus valley civilisation is a 8 thousand year old civilisation which was mainly situated in pakistan and india around indus river. At that time it was more  developed than the europe.
This civilisation has many centres city but some cities like hadappa and mohanjodado are main centres of this civilisation.
The civilisation is found with many multi floor bulding. The bricks that are used in making the buildings are not of ordinary type . That bricks has a layer of gypsum which make them waterproof.
Sewage system

There is a well developed underground sewage system in the cities. 
Toilets found

Every house has toilets which are not simple one . They are western toilets which prove that concepts of toilets and mainly western toilets is came from this civilisation.
Civilisation is also found with a big swimming pool which was called great bath. 
Great bath
This great bath is very old than todays oldest known roman bath. cities are surrounded by a big walls whose remains are found.
Languages and symbols
In the remains scientist found many remains of written things on stones but till today also they are  not understable by scientist. If the scientist get to know about the language then many secrets of this civilisation can reveal.

Religion remains
Some old utensils, shivling, drawings

Scientist had found many statues of shivling which prove that they all belief in murti puja. A pashupati shiv architect is found on a stone which is worship till today which prove that we are somewhat linked to them.
Pashupati shiv

Skull and bones remains also found which is a sign of belief in black magic. The cow motif and many animals remains on stones are found which means they all worship them. According to the remains the scientist get prove that this civilisation is follower of Hinduism and which also prove that hinduism is oldest religion till today.
End of civilisation
There are many theories and assumption in favour of end of civilisation. According to the  book chariots of god , civilisation is damaged by some parmanu bombs or other bombs but scientist found 2  skeletons which hold their hands together.

 If the bomb was used to destroy this civilisation then remains, the scientist get , are not possible. Next theory says about flood as cause of end of this civilisation but scientist had found some remains which are used as flood controller as boundary so this theory also not work efficiently. Scientist found that the temperature of the area where remains of this civilisation had founded goes very high above 120℃ so it was thought that due to this warm climate the civilisation get destroyed but all the peoples not died because today  we follow some things which are developed or we can say followed by that civilisation.
Todays civilisation and indus valley civilisation has some similarities which means we follow their tradition.
-concept of well is came from indus valley civilisation. Many wells are found in this area.
-concepts of toilets and mainly western toilets.
- sewage system which was found in this civilisation.
-statues whose the people of this civilisation worship like shivlings and many animals motifs which we also worship today.
Genetic similarity
The DNA is isolated from the skeletons that are founded by scientist and are matched with peoples of different area. The maximum similarity is found with the DNA of south indians people which prove that the people from upper part of india has thier DNA change during british periods, mughal periods and many other emperors periods. The south part of india is less attacked by foreigners. So we can say that there is some link between us and the peoples of that civilisation.
Information source
Youtube videos
Articles about this topics


  1. Namaskar dosto, i tried to give you correct knowledge according to the past and recent works on this civilisation by scientist.


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